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Humanities Pathway

The Humanities pathway at Deer Creek focuses on providing students with experiences in the arts, cultures and communications beyond the core contents of language arts and social studies. With over 40 exploratory and elective courses available to students in the Humanities pathway, students can tailor their learning and experiences to meet their personal, educational and career interests. Through an array of project and elective options, students develop the lifelong skills of civic and global engagement, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, self-direction and agility and adaptability.

The Three-Year Humanities Pathway

6th Grade begins with the four core subjects of English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies and two periods of exploratory classes each trimester:   

  • 6th Grade exploratory courses:
    • Exploration of Computer Science
    • Exploration of Engineering
    • Communication Skills
    • World Languages and Cultures
    • Family and Consumer Sciences 1
    • Physical Education
  • Alternatively, students may choose Concert Band, Orchestra or Choir as a year-long elective, taking the place of three exploratory classes. 
    • For students who take a music course, they can indicate preferences of other courses and those will be taken into consideration when creating schedules. 
      • EX: Student who wants to take Band and wants to take classes in the Humanities pathway - World Languages & Cultures, Communication Skills, Family and Consumer Sciences

7th Grade - Students declare a Pathway. Year two continues with the four core subjects and additional two electives per trimester across four categories. Seventh grade includes a total of six elective courses:

  • One course from the Fine, Performing, & Culinary Arts (Art, Music, FACS) electives
  • One course from Humanities (Language & Cultures, Literature & Writing or Media & Publications) electives
  • Four general electives

8th Grade - Students continue with the four core subjects and two electives each trimester. There are no electives required in eighth grade for the Humanities pathway, giving students the most freedom to personalize their learning by choosing from 40 pathway and general electives. Many humanities-related offerings are among those electives, including:

  • Publication: Yearbook
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital Media
  • Metal Jewelry
  • Visual Arts 2 and 3
  • Creative Writing
  • Literature & Film
  • Mythology & Folklore
  • Food, Nutrition & Culinary Arts
  • Cultural Cooking
  • Culinary Creations
  • Mentorship
  • French 1 
  • Spanish 1 and 2
  • Choir
  • Concert Band and Symphonic Band
  • Jazz Band
  • Orchestra and Advanced Orchestra

For the full catalog of exploratory classes and electives, view the Deer Creek Electives Course Guide on the Course Registration page.