Curriculum at Deer Creek Middle
Core content at Deer Creek is designed to teach and develop lifelong skills through project-based instruction, social-emotional learning and student choice. Students engage with a challenging curriculum aligned to Colorado Learning Standards taught in the context of real-world application.
Student Choice
Providing student choice is a focus at Deer Creek. It is an important aspect of personalizing learning for each student. In the core and elective areas, choice is provided through a variety of ways:
- Project-based learning (PBL) and other projects provide students with choices about their content focus, learning process or demonstration of learning.
- Thematic units in English Language Arts (ELA) give students options for literature choices.
- Core content options in seventh and eighth grade ELA allow students to choose themes or genres they are most interested in pursuing.
- Elective courses allow students to explore a range of choices and avenues to focus on their specific interests.
Curriculum in Jeffco
Jeffco Public Schools’ curriculum and academic programs provide a quality education that prepares students for a successful future.
The hope is that transparency in curriculum resources will build community understanding of the high expectations of the Colorado Academic Standards, which Jeffco students are expected to meet, as outlined in the units of study for each content area.
Jeffco curriculum will be updated as the Colorado Department of Education reviews and approves state standards.
The middle school curriculum outlines the course content taught in sixth, seventh and eighth grades to prepare students for high school and beyond.