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Academic Support

Strong core skills in language arts and math are essential for students’ academic success at Deer Creek and in their future educational endeavors. We have a range of support available to meet the needs of students who struggle in these areas. Because students have different needs, we work to match the appropriate level of support with the individual student.

Help Sessions

During Base Camp on certain days of the week, teachers can schedule students into help sessions for additional support outside the regular classroom. Students can view their schedule in the Campus portal to see the day they will attend the help session.

Academic Support

Academic support provides more instruction in grade-level core classes. The content depends on a student’s abilities and diagnosed reading, writing, or math deficits. Support courses replace an elective in the student's schedule.

Mountain Guides

Mountain Guides is a mentoring program for incoming Deer Creek sixth graders. Eighth-grade students and counselors welcome and help them acclimate to middle school. Trained mountain guides lead activities for sixth graders during Base Camp every other week. They also work one-on-one with students to help with organization and study skills. Mentors help with fifth-grade visits, sixth-grade orientation and school service projects.